I went out after work and got started on the deck beams, I found that the jig from cunninghams book didn't quite work this time as the gunwales are far more curved, and it ended up a few mm wrong every time, so in the end I eyeballed it and managed to get them to fit well anyways.
after I had them cut out and screwed in (I'm a lazy builder, and tenons are beyond my capabilities) I decided to get started on bending the ribs.
I did not soak them this time, after comments on qajaqUSA told me it's not really neccesary, and I found that they were right.
the wood feels different, but I didn't get more breakages, however they held the bend better and didn't spring right back to straight, not sure if this is good or bad, but after an hour and a half I had all the ribs bent and fitted, with about 6 or 7 broken.
I never manage to get the end ribs quite right, while they're not "broken" there are always some small kinks in them, but in the end I'm just too lazy to bend the same rib more than 3 times.
Bending Jig (used no belt):
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